I'm a nube who'd like to join tonight representing myself, Music Research Strategies and projects related to Performing Pro Arts COMMONS transmedia performance script/copyright license and experimentation in using the law as a medium for building an Activist Art machine and practicing community self-defense and care, through the act of occupying intellectual property.  Dadais Americanus is a pseudonym used for Art made in the COMMONS that was registered with the US Copyright Office in 2020. Any creator can assume this name for a DaDA performance under the PPAC copyright license, and for artistic transgressions that defy the systems of power.

Marshall R. Trammell 

Music Research Strategist
+1-505-221-0627 WhatsApp

“Art is not neutral. You are either advancing justice and liberation to a higher evolution of humanity or you are perpetuating the status quo.…The more people participate in creating a better world, the more people feel at home in it.”
-Adrienne Marie Brown, “The Future is Collective"