This sounds great, Mai - thanks for being on top of it!

Consider running for or nominating officers and board members. We could put this out via Loomio like we did last year. Happy to stand in on any officer or board role, and will send out Q3 and year-to-date finance reports beforehand.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2020, 21:46 Mai Sutton <> wrote:
Hey there,

I wanted to propose we have our next board meeting in two Tuesdays from tonight on October 6 @ 7pm.

We need to examine who sits on the board and accept any nominations for new members, and deal with some of those bureaucratic things. But also we can use it as a chance to re-connect and re-align.

I was gonna just call it but thought I should check in first.

Anyone have any conflicts/objections to holding it at the above proposed date?

Hope everyone's healthy, both physically and mentally. Things are hella overwhelming these days.

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