+1 Jenny, thanks David for the share.

Note that the term VPuN ("Virtual Public Network") is apt here to highlight that security is not necessarily some inherent feature of networks, like what Jenny notes about mesh networks generally and the People's Open Network specifically. From our docs:

'The term "Virtual Public Network" or VPuN has roots in GNUnet https://gnunet.org/gnunet-vpn and is situated in this historical piece http://www.isaca.org/Journal/Past-Issues/2001/Volume-3/Pages/Virtual-Private-Networking-Confidentiality-on-Public-Networks.aspx. TunnelDigger technically qualifies as "Virtual Private Network" software (with a major lapse in not actually providing access control mechanisms as is the point of most VPN software), but this "private" term is more generic than we can be (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VPN#Unencrypted_tunnels). Instead, we have opted for a socially and historically situated alternative that is both more descriptive and mission-consistent with sudo mesh's work and the values behind the People's Open Network: Virtual Public Network (VPuN).' - https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh/Diagrams#Network_Topology_Diagram

// Matt

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Jenny Ryan <tunabananas@gmail.com> wrote:
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On Mon 21 Apr 2014 12:28:46 AM PDT, David Keenan wrote:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/21/us/us-promotes-network-to-foil-digital-spying.html?hp&_r=0
> lets apply for some of that USAID to fight spying at home?

This article is seriously disturbing. I didn't realize OTI was
promoting mesh networks as a secure alternative to the Internet. In the
Middle East. Maybe someone from the Commotion team is on this list and
wants to speak to the actual goals of the project and ways in which the
messaging around it could have been miscommunicated by the NYT?

I think it's really important we all understand and emphasize to new
folks that mesh networks are not by default more secure than other
kinds of networks, though they are more resilient. This is why we have
monthly cryptoparties at sudo, so we can teach good end-user security
hygiene. We can further level up by promoting the use of more
trustworthy services, such as Riseup for email and OwnCloud for
storage, on the mesh splash page or some such.

One bonus point for SudoWRT is that it uses wlan-slovenija's
tunneldigger, routing all connections on the public network through a
VPN. So actually, our mesh will be more anonymous (insofar as being
unable to pin an IP to a specific identity) than most networks. Mitar,
do you know of other networks using tunneldigger?

We are also not funded by the State Dept.

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