juul means sudo MESH virtual meeting tomorrow

in retrospect, i am really regretting patterning our org name off of sudo room 😹

I've added this to the Omni calendar and will push out on our social media channels tomorrow - also, our Rocketchat instance is working again! So feel free to pop in there :)

i've also started adding items to agenda/notes at https://peoplesopen.net/notes - please feel welcome to flesh these out (I'm stopping here because of other deadlines tomorrow)

...but mostly i hope to see and chat with at least some of y'all lovely humans tomorrow...!

<3 jnny

On 5/17/21 7:32 PM, Marc Juul wrote:
Things are opening back up (including sudo room) and we have things to discuss and hack on.

Let's meet!

Here: https://meet.jit.si/sudomesh2020

Here's a list of stuff to tackle, feel free to add:

* KPFA collaboration
* Archive tower
* Cobb on wood (wood st)
* People's Park
* Pro Arts
* Omni proposals
* New wifi routers
* Omni internet and infrastructure upgrades
* disaster.radio status
* Monthly dweb/p2p general meetup
* Media Alliance check-in on current campaign
* Newsletter
* Bureaucracy things
* Office/board elections
* How to handle cryptcurrency funds


mesh mailing list