Ill be in a little earlier (630-700?). I am just coming by to drop off cash and will leave as soon as I find someone I trust (marc, tuna, marina, miguel) to pass it on. Ill stay until I meet someone.

Ill be doing some work at home so a google hangout would be cool too. See you guys soon.

Alcides Gutierrez

On Jun 13, 2013 4:13 PM, "Marc Juul" <> wrote:
With the recent crowd funding campaign and router purchase we're moving rapidly from "group of people interest in mesh" towards becoming a sizable physical mesh.

There is much work ahead of us. I suggest that we have a two-hour meeting, with at least the following agenda items (feel free to add more):

*Choosing a name
:Are we 510pen or sudo mesh or sudo net or something else? We don't need to decide today, but I want to hear people's thoughts.

*Formalize organization
:Begin writing articles of association. Choice of 501c3 or other group. Getting umbrellaed until we can get 501c3 status.

*"Business model" brainstorm
:Let's throw some ideas on the table. I'm assuming we'll soon need two full-time people working on this project. How do we make that happen, how do we get internet bandwidth and how do we keep the mesh going indefinitely?

*Metaplanning for node deployment
:Researching deployment strategies. Mapping suitable locations. Mounting strategies for rooftops, walls and windows. Mapping out available spectrum and channel usage.

*Final decision on initial mesh protocol
:Maybe the best way to decide is to choose one and see how well it works in the initial 100-node mesh and then switch to something else if it sucks?

*Firmware plan
:What do we need the firmware to do? Let's delegate the different aspects (splash page? IP allocation? IPv6? ZeroConf? gateway selection? http proxy?)

*Plan for testing received hardware and inventory management
:The 100 routers should arrive Monday. How do we test, tag and log? Does it make sense to use barcode or rfid tags (barcodes can fade in the sun and maybe rfid tags are slightly activated by the wifi signal and cause interference)

*Plan for getting the local community involved and finding people willing to adopt a node
:Longer term, maybe we can reach out to local highschools and colleges for a node deployment workforce. Could look good on their college applications if we pitch it right!

:Fliers? Website? Splash page design?

For people who have time but can't come in person, we'll try to set up a google hangout. For people who don't have time, please chime in over email with your ideas / suggestions. As always the meeting minutes will be available online after the meeting.

Mesh the planet!


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