Nick (a housemate who attended a mesh meeting a couple of weeks ago) made several round map-based sticker designs. Some with just he east bay or the entire bay area (based on open street map data). I'll add them all to the wiki.

Now that we have a name, Jenny modified the "whole planet" version of the sticker to include the name/hostname.

What do you folk think?

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 3:09 PM, Adrian Chadd <> wrote:

I'm about to start hacking on 11s mesh (and some TDMA) stuff with the 8devices carambola 2 board and the alfa networks hornet-ub board. They're both low power 2.4ghz 1x1 802.11n devices that are easily embeddable. I'd like to get some meshtheplanet stickers for some enclosures for these things.

So please lemme know when you have some sticker designs done and I'll see about getting them on the devices I'll be hacking with.

(And I'll give you a couple each of these when I get back; they run openwrt fine too. :-)



On 17 September 2013 15:04, Marc Juul <> wrote:
Yes. We actually made naming decisions! \o/

At last week's meeting we decided the following:

Network name:

  People's Open Network

Domain names:

Wifi SSID:
  (we're also trying to buy

Organization name:

  No decision yet. Suggestions welcome!

We also have the following domains that we should use for something (e.g. an ongoing campaign and/or list of all mesh networks like

This means we can now start designing fliers, stickers, websites, etc. and start doing outreach and preliminary publicity work \o/

Send a quick email if you want to work on any of this!


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