hey y'all -

Just to let you know - someone is working on a fix, and waiting for dns changes to propagate. If you'd like to help out, please contact me directly, and I'll forward you to the person working on it.

Hopefully, we'll sort out this thing sooner rather than later. 

Thanks for all the suggestions!

On Mon, 2018-01-22 at 10:23 -0800, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
On 2018-01-21 21:29, Tevfik Renan Dincer wrote:

I would also recommend Cloudflare approach (I work there). Makes it pretty convenient to enforce things like dns and caching. You can actually have cloudflare talk to github over https using the “Full” but not the “Full (strict)” setting. This makes sure there is TLS at the origin connection but does not verify the certificates.
Forgive my ignorance, but is this something that is hidden from the browser (ie. the browser only sees buildyourowninter.net resources) or does the browser have to explicitly request resources from cloudflare? I am only asking in the context of this particular website; in general, I know that cloudflare domain does leak into the set of resources needed by the browser for many websites, and when that happens I stop using that website :-( . I have to do that to keep my domain based protections at all meaningful. (Currently that is uBlock Origin but it applies equally to many other similar extensions.) So I will vote strongly against any solution which has such consequences. Again, this is just in the context of buildyourowninter.net ; I don't want to start a flamewar about cloudflare or cloud usage in general. Thanks.