Sorry, meant to also include this link for general specs of this line:

On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 10:36 AM, Pete Forsyth <> wrote:

I ran across something interesting on eBay, a lot of 4 rugged GoBook III Ix260 laptops. These are Pentium M laptops (i.e. old and slow) but they are rugged, they have built-in GPS capabilities, touch screens, and bright outdoor-viewing displays. They come without hard drives, but with caddies.

I wonder if these might be useful for warbiking / node mapping, or other mesh/sudo activities? I am interested to fool around with them, and wouldn't mind owning one, but am hesitant to buy all 4 unless there is likely to be a use for them (and unless I could recover some of the cost).

A little googling indicates that Ubuntu seems to run fine on them (I am running Lubuntu on a similarly-specced Dell, and am super happy with it). There might be an issue getting the touch screen to work -- I saw a question about that without any response.
