Hey openpeoplemeshers - 

BYOI coming up soon ... as in next wk Sat 1 July 2-5p: https://peoplesopen.net/workshop
... with crimping, node mounting, node pointing, node flashing, why/who/what/how, gardenmeshes, disaster radios and more. (just to throw some things out there that we talked about)

If you'd like to help out and haven't yet figured out how/what/where, please checkout and edit https://pad.riseup.net/p/byoi to share ideas / get info etc. 
... or contact me (or anyone else), or come to Tues meeting 7.30p @ omni commons.


PS Some links:
Also, if you'd like to drop flyers, tell your friends, or revert to twitter/facebook/etc, here something to copy/paste/print/edit/etc from: