Unfortunately, I'm not sure that a view from the Berkeley hills to the NW will help us much. :-(  We've been looking into uplinks and while we shouldn't rule it out, it seems unlikely that we will find anything that way. 

There is some chance that the internet archive folks would be interested if he has a view across the bay to SF though?

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 4:06 PM, Jake <jake@spaz.org> wrote:
So a friend of mine knows a guy in the Berkeley Hills who is real nice.

I talked with him on the phone and suggested that he let us put up a tower at his house, and use it for the mesh network, and give him free internet. He said that sounds great but cautioned that his view is to the northwest.

His address is 1130 sterling ave, berkeley if you want to look at it on a topographic map or even visit.  If you want to visit, let me know and i'll call him and coordinate a date when we can go over there.  He owns his house and is a nice guy.

There is a telescoping 90-foot tower in my driveway.  I paid $100 for it and Marc paid $45 in gasoline to go get it, and I don't think I have a place to put it.  If the mesh group wants to buy the tower and put it up somewhere, for example at Charlie's place, that would work fine.

1130 sterling ave, berkeley

what do you think?
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