So so so very awesome

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Marc Juul <> wrote:
We have the first two nodes mounted, running and connected!

On the mesh map they are "Hearth" and "Adeline Livelabs":
As you can see, the houses are almost exactly one block from each other on opposite sides of the street. Each house has a Ubiquiti Bullet 2 HP with a large omnidirectional antenna mounted on the roof. Unfortunately the only easy mounting point on the livelabs roof was not near the front of the house, resulting in the signal being blocked by two large trees on a neighboring property. We'll move the antenna another day, but for now at least there is a link.

The nodes are running the batman-adv mesh routing protocols, they can see each other and we're getting a bit under 1 mbit/sec each way. This is not great and will be improved once we get line of sight between the antennas.

Ideally we wouldn't use omnidirectional antennas for roof to roof connections, nor would we use 2.4 ghz routers, but since these two houses are so close we figured we'd be able to connect them like this and get some street coverage as well. Using a smartphone we can connect to and use the mesh from about 1.5 blocks away from each node on adeline street giving us a four-block coverage area in the north-south direction at least.

The connection is also fine indoors on the first floors of both houses, even
directly underneath the antenna! More testing is needed to see how well it covers neighbors houses.


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