Github instructions are over here.

I would also recommend Cloudflare approach (I work there). Makes it pretty convenient to enforce things like dns and caching. You can actually have cloudflare talk to github over https using the “Full” but not the “Full (strict)” setting. This makes sure there is TLS at the origin connection but does not verify the certificates. 

On Jan 21, 2018, at 3:55 PM, Howard Xiao <> wrote:

I can't seem to find the documentation for custom domains on GitHub Pages.

On the other hand, CloudFlare doesn't support custom reverse proxy URLs,
but rather proxies the Host request header directly to the server. We
can't use it in front GitHub Pages unless we are willing to have it
reverse proxy the unsecured HTTP origin. Granted this is better having
visitors visit our HTTP site, as CloudFlare and GitHub are likely both
on the same Internet exchanges and should be less prune to MITM attacks,
but at the end of the day it is still delusional HTTPS.


Jorrit Poelen:
Cool, sounds like there's plenty of options. 

Would anyone on the list like to set this up? I'd be able to do it, but
it might be a while.

The repo is at .
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