You can see last week's meeting minutes here:

Or you can view them below. Enjoy!



'''People's Open Network Weekly Meeting - Day Month 2019 7:30pm-9pm'''

=== Agenda ===
* Introductions and Meeting Roles (10 mins)
* Check in on previous action items (5 mins)
* Updates & Reportbacks (20 mins)
* Next Sunday (5 mins)
* Check in on ongoing projects (10 mins)
* Discussion: BYOI IS COMING (15 mins)
* Weekly updates/check-ins (10 mins)
* Action Items (5 mins)
* Breakout Groups

=== Introductions ===
Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Icebreaker Response; BRIEF Announcements
* Icebreaker question: whats the most memorable heavy thing you've ever carried?
* benny- he/him-objects that don't look heavy but are
* lesley - A bureau from IKEA that I found near my apartment.
* mai - she/they - carrying a lot of water for a long time back and forth and being like, "water's so heavy"
** I'm now contracting with the Internet Archive today to help produce the Decentralized Web Camp!
* ben - he/they - probably a rock or a log or something?
* null - he/him - a 200Ah battery
* seth - he/they - industrial sewing machine my friend has that I've helped them move twice now
* alison/allie - she/her - ordered bismuth once and it was disproportionately heavy
* doyouhaveamirror - they - suing berkeley in federal court
* robb - he/him - some motor, a motor, electric/gas, not sure which
* jenny - she/her - everything in the basement - the printing press was terrible
* howard - him/whatever/person - the heaviest thing I carry is the past, physically - keys

=== Meeting Roles ===
* Facilitator/s: Lesley
* Stacktaker:
* Notetaker/s: benny
** URL of this pad:

== Check in on previous action items ==
Check previous meeting minutes at and paste action items below:
* document battery-powered node in a waterproof bag @juul
** juul out of town
* revisit priorities brainstorm pad and report back @bennlich
** not yet
* poke ryan about marina @tunabananas
** did not do yet.
** lesley: thinking about renewing membership there. on my todo list to physically go out there.
* ping david and niki re: sunday @tunabananas
** sierk says they havent had a meeting
* create wiki page about EMF Radiation @sierk @tunabananas
** jenny making it right now
* any reply from LOLSpace? @tunabananas
** jenny pinging now
* hook up exit node server @ hurricane electric @null @bennlich @juul
** need to schedule. benny wants to make it a hike.
* purchase some N750s
* purchase some usb to network dongles (USB-C version and Regular USB) @null
** purchase request made
* email board and potential directors about annual meeting @tunabananas
** meeting next tuesday!
* coordinate for sunday - @seth
** went to rabbit's place in albany/berkeley area. pointed nanobridge at internet archive. saw archive backbone SSID.
** there's not really a good place to mount anything there.
** null: it was cool to do another survey. we werent able to see the sudomesh SSID.
* send doodle out for office hours Sunday 4/14 @null

== Weekly updates/check-ins ==
Check previous meeting minutes at and paste weekly update items below:
* Hurricane Electric
** to schedule
* Internet Archive link
* Marina
** see above
* Paxio links
** benny is politely bothering them every week or two
* People's Park
** doyouhaveamirror: last saturday talked w/ someone who has the battery. told running wolf we could put it at the top of the palm tree. also we're going to have a bunch of people in the redwood tree.
** lesley: so possible redwood tree mount. the hotspot was just a near-term solution. ideally we're trying to find a building that has line of sight to people's park that we can mount something on and provide higher bandwidth.
** lesley: going to talk to tyler about the campanile.
** doyouhaveamirror: adam called and asked if i could put electricity in the park. i said i didnt have time but would show someone how to do it. wondering how the bathrooms got put in place. there was some decree w/ UC. seems like that bathroom could be a good place, but unlikely to get outlets.
** robb: how about rasputin/amoeba records?
** seth: going to text friend who lives nearby
* Laptops
** no update
* Mobile Citizen
** jenny: this is about a grououp that offfers cheap hotspots. e-mailed them two weeks ago w/ documents but haven't heard back.

== Other Updates & Reportbacks ==
=== Bugs/Technical ===
Recent issues: For a list of recent Github activity, see the widget at the bottom of

=== Node Mounts & Outreach ===
Node Mounts Trello:
* seth: john Cassady (w. oakland)-sonic ISP-very steep roof- i want to put an omnidirectional antenna up there, but its hard to mount because it's so steep.
* mai + seth: Laurie up in Claremont Hills. extremely knowledgeable about networks and electricity. amazing house. tons of solar panels. great view of parts of berkeley and lake merritt.

=== Communications & Events ===
Comms Trello: // Events Trello:
* Oakland Internet Choice Meeting
** Benny went! Tracy from media Alliance led a meeting / coalition gathering w/ reps from MonkeyBrains, Sonic, and EFF - also OpenFiber Talked to 3 city council members out of 8. Want to return to them with info/language clearly articulated and support expressed (eg a website)
* Neighborhood Outreach Flyer
** Not done! Gonna get a draft done by this weekend

=== Internal Logistics / Finance ===
Internal Logistics & Bureaucracy Trello:
* Fire Inspection Thrusday April 25th

== Next Sunday ==
We host office hours every Sunday from 1-3pm in Sudo Room to talk to people, work on sudomesh projects, and schedule node mounts.
* To sign up to bottomline, fill in your name here:
* Ongoing node mounting spreadsheet is located at:
* Notes from this past Sunday's session:

== BYOI IS COMING in 2.5 weeks ==
* Saturday May 4
* Outreach/publicity
** Post on EBX online?
** Make flyers?
*** Activities, description,
*** Benny
* Logistics
** Food/drinks?
* Activities/Agenda
** Punch cards for each station
** Toronto Mesh training
** Drilling holes, waterproofing
** Map of West Oakland with pins of where nodes are?
** Node flashing
** Oakland ISP choice board -- solicit stories?
* Questions for Mai to ask West Oakland Library
** Can we have drilling somewhere outside?
** Can we have food inside?
** Is there a water fountain?

== Action Items ==
Copy and paste from previous action items above, delete completed ones, and add new ones:
* document battery-powered node in a waterproof bag @juul
* revisit priorities brainstorm pad and report back @bennlich
* poke ryan about marina @tunabananas
* create wiki page about EMF Radiation @sierk @tunabananas
* any reply from LOLSpace? @tunabananas
* schedule HE server install / hike @bennlich
* create wiki page about EMF Radiation @sierk @tunabananas
* update mailing list about next week's meeting @tunabananas
* maybe research antenna range calculator--people are always asking about that @bennlich

== Breakout Groups ==
At the end of the meeting, break out into small groups to hack on or discuss specific topics.
* judytuna: i propose a breakout group to discuss attending this one-day cram class plus exam for ham radio technician's license: . the next one is May 4, 2019, in benicia.
** benny: null is from benicia
* rob: projector location for "the den".
* BYOI breakout. notes:

== Last Meeting Notes ==
* link to previous meeting minutes

== End of Meeting ==
* please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the sudomesh wiki with the correct date format:
* then please erase the contents of this pad
* then please cut & paste a blank template from here:
* previous meeting notes are archived here:


April 15, 2019 7:42 PM, wrote:
Here is the agenda for the Admin and Planning meeting happening tomorrow, Tues 16 April 2019, 7:30 - 9:00 PM PT.

>>> <<<

Please add your discussion item(s) where it says "== Discussion: X ==" or "== Proposal: X ==" and include any concise, relevant comments to inform the discussion. Remember to also add the topic at the top under Agenda.

If you add something, we expect you to come to the meeting to give some context and lead that discussion.

Hope to see you there!
