Donations to help cover Jesse (our lawyer)'s bill (~$200) and the nonprofit application fee ($400) would be appreciated! PM me or touch base in person if you can contribute.


Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jesse D. Palmer <>
Date: Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 10:07 PM
Subject: Invoice

Hi - here is an invoice for recent work.

Let me know if you have any questions.

take care, jesse

Jesse D. Palmer, Esq.
PO Box 3885
Berkeley, CA 94703