It ranges from office IT stuff to infrastructure that was either about to go to or just came back from field sites, probably some sim card modems.  I'll look out for spools and plugs thursday.

It's OK - management made a gamble that was kind of shortsighted but would have worked if investors hadn't gotten spooked.  SunEdison will supernova and distribute its heavier elements (such as ethernet terminations) across the galaxy, and the solar industry overall is booming so hopefully I won't be impacted for too long whenever the pink slip does come.

On 2016-11-07 17:12, Marc Juul wrote:

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 4:21 PM, <> wrote:
Hi All,

The solar company I've worked for the past ~2 years has been in bankruptcy for the past several months and I'm told whatever equipment they don't sell to employees is up for donation around year's end.  Alot of the cooler stuff is already gone but there is quite a bit left.

If there's interest in some commodity networking equipment, I can take some pics of what's there or better yet someone from Mesh could come to the office in Belmont one day when I'll be there and look through the piles.  We have to wait for final liquidation before anything can be released so it might be a process of putting a sticker on everything of interest and then stopping by with a pickup truck to grab all the stickered objects when we get the signal.
Alright well it sucks that the company is dying. What kinda stuff is it? Anything wireless or any RJ45 male/female plugs or spools of ethernet cable? If there's anything like that then I'd be up for coming by like a vulture with a bunch of stickers :)
