
I posted recently to the main Sudo list, and it didn't seem to resonate there. However I think it is of particular interest to Mesh folks.

I've seen some people here work on auto-discovery of services. Well, the UBOS operating system, part of the Indiebox project, makes web apps easy to deploy. Just like LiberOffice can be installed on a laptop with one command, UBOS allows you to simply deploy Owncloud, Wordpress, Mediawiki, etc. It takes care of all the database provision, apache configs, etc. It even allows concurrent installations for different users. Combined with the auto-discovery stuff you all are working on, I think it could be pretty powerful addition to the mesh ecosystem.

The guy who runs it is named Johannes Ernst. I've seen him talk in Mountain View, at the Hacker Dojo. I think the community here at Sudo, particularly the Mesh group, may be an even better audience for it. He wants to bring control back home, and I think the mesh group is trying to do the same. I suggested it to him, and he asked me to reach out. Would anybody out there be interested in having him come speak about his project? I also told him about Peoples0pen.

The website is here: indieboxproject.org The project's vision is for a series of consumer products branded as "Indie Boxes". The operating system component, UBOS, is built on top of Arch Linux. See https://github.com/indiebox?tab=repositories for some of the things that have been packaged.

Let me know if you're interested, and I can arrange things with Johannes. He is eager to come and talk if you guys are interested.

