
I have flashed the WD N600 router twice, and it fails to connect to the mesh. As far I was able to tell, the second time it connected, but after 1+ hour the fun ended. 


babeld log:
Interface eth0.1 has no link-local address.

setsockopt(IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP): Cannot assign requested address

Interface eth0.2 has no link-local address.

setsockopt(IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP): Cannot assign requested address

messages log:


Sun Dec  1 23:47:49 2019 daemon.err td-client: Failed to resolve hostname ''.

Sun Dec  1 23:47:49 2019 daemon.err td-client: Failed to resolve hostname ''.


Is there a script|command to trigger the IP acquisition? Or is it a DNS issue on the exit node end?

Mesh-merize me,
