On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Mitar <mitar@tnode.com> wrote:

> Can't we just modify batman-adv to rewrite MAC addresses on the fly? We
> would need to keep a mapping of MAC to fakeMAC for each client, but only
> for the directly connected clients, so the lookup and packet mangling
> should be fast.

And when you roam?

Yes, a bit tricky without getting too complicated. One way would be to use a one-way hash to generate fakeMAC from MAC, but maybe that's too easy to brute-force since the salt would have to be the same for all nodes.
So maybe it would be easier then to use L3 routing protocol? Each node
gets its own IPv6 subnet, each client for each node is mapped to an IP
in the subnet, we can change this IP as often as we want, this IP is the
only thing visible beyond the direct network of the node. If we want, we
can do IPv6 NAT on the gateway. So this is then your idea above, just
that fakeMAC is IPv6. You do not have roaming as well.

Yeah. Roaming is nice though.


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