Yay! So glad to hear you're tackling this!

IIRC I had a reasonably good experience building from the docker image as mentioned in the readme.

I think this bug still exists in entrypoint.sh, however: https://github.com/sudomesh/sudowrt-firmware/issues/157

I believe the fix is to change ./build_pre to ./build in entrypoint.sh--not sure why I never did that. I think I was hoping to find a command that would successfully rebuild without also rebuilding the entire toolchain.


On Sat, Nov 23, 2019, 8:55 AM Matt Senate <mattsenate@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey folks, 

It seems like the build server contains only an image of the firmware version 3.0 for the my net n600 not the n750. I can try to compile it myself, which I might just do for the exercise anyway following the README instructions: https://github.com/sudomesh/sudowrt-firmware

I'm assuming this config needs to be edited, will probably look into the openwrt build docs as well: https://github.com/sudomesh/sudowrt-firmware/blob/master/openwrt_config/arch_configs/ar71xx

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