Hello All,
I have been watching the rise and fall of mesh networks over a decade. I worked on community wireless in DC with Commotion Mesh. The OpenWRT mesh stuff was moved to the ham bands under the name Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN). It has been under development for 8 years but still doesn't work very well.
I took
a closer look and found the problem is OpenWRT CSMA-RTS/CTS. The TLDR is don't throw away your COTS radio SW until you understand what it does. I spoke with Phil Kern, the inventor of
CSMA-RTS/CTS and he wasn't surprised by my results. If you have some sudomesh nodes you can repeat my experiments to show that it really is a problem.
Mesh is implemented on MikroTek using their proprietary radio. You could do this FOSS but need a better MAC for a network foundation.
I'm happy to lend a hand where I can, but have a lot on my plate.