I am tentatively for it (widespread promo vis a vis google), but we're not a 501c3 (tho could be once we tighten board & bylaws and apply. Turnaround time for omni was 3 months) - tho i suppose we could do it using old-omni's ein. Still in limbo re: what to do with it, tho i did submit the 2014 & 2015 990s on friday :D so the org is in good standing and could be repurposed with some simple amendments to our articles..

Eligibility reqs are 501c3, no fiscally sponsored orgs.

On Apr 9, 2017 7:05 PM, "Will Martin" <will@willmartin.com> wrote:
Hey guys my friend that I hooked up with a node at 42nd street is an expert in online advertising and runs a pro-bono side-gig providing free advertising services to non-profits
He says we can get $10,000 a month in free adwords advertising from google.
Here's their website: http://www.adzee.org/

We could target the ads to just zip code around the omni (94609).
We could develop messages and landing pages to accomplish different goals:
- Get more people to come to our "build your own internet" workshops
- Get more people to host mesh nodes
- Encourage people to donate money
- Encourage people to join the project as a volunteer

It could help build awareness of our project and get more people on the network.

Should we do this?

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