On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 3:53 AM, Valent Turkovic <valent@otvorenamreza.org> wrote:
My plan is to see how Netshee TDMA driver works in real life, I'll put
it to work on one point to multipoint link.

And also see I can get their firmware to just load openwrt packages
for olsr and babel, and it if all works together. There could be some
issues because they use their own wireless stack.

If it all works I would suggest we start using this TDMA driver (which
is really mature, and in use for over 5 years with lots of users) and
then migrate over time to FreeBSD TDMA if/when it becomes available
and more stable. Currently it doesn't even work for most atheros
devices, latest updates broke lot of stuff (I have a freebsd briend
who is really interested to get tdma working with freebsd and ar9331
but he can't, and keeps me updated).

Has any of you tested TDMA firmware from these Russian guys (NETShe)?
They have been developing this TDMA stack for over 5 years and got it
quite polished from what I can gather.

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Mitar <mitar@tnode.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> So, ther is also:
>> russian company called NETSHe is offering OpenWrt images with TDMA
>> driver support for free for some devices (they have some restrictions
>> in free version):
> http://netshe.ru/files/NETSHe-3.0/

Wait are they distributing binaries of their TDMA-enabled driver but withholding the source code? Am I misunderstanding something or are they blatantly violating the GPL?

Should we contact the SFLC about the violation and see if they can put some pressure on them to publish the code?
