You can see the meeting minutes from 26 Feb 2019 here:

The notes are also pasted in full below. Enjoy!


'''People's Open Network Weekly Meeting - 26 February 2019 7:30pm-9pm'''

=== Agenda ===
* Introductions and Meeting Roles (10 mins)
* Check in on previous action items (5 mins)
* Updates & Reportbacks (20 mins)
* Next Sunday (5 mins)
* Proposal X: (15 mins)
* Discussion: Project Map (15 mins)
* Discussion Z (15 mins)
* Action Items (5 mins)
* Breakout Groups

=== Introductions ===
Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Icebreaker Response; BRIEF Announcements
* Icebreaker question: Favorite hot beverage?
* jenny - she/her - favorite hot beverage is right here: yerba mate. recipe on the wiki -- sudo mate
* sierk - he/him - coffee hot, large, black, no spoon
* seth - he/they - hot toddies
* john-mark or - he/him - mexican sweet hot chocolate
* ned - he/him - coffee, mostly black, sometimes w/ sugar
* null - he/him - hot chocolate w/ marshmallows and cream
** update re: inventory: airtable was gonna be the thing, and then it crashed. then ned tried it and it also crashed. so maybe not airtable. next week is going to be the newcomers meeting.
* Lesley (remote): pronoun agnostic - I am thinking of all the hot beverages I am fond of, and I don't think this is a choice that I can make. Hot beverage poly, for sure. (everyone laughed at poly ;)
* eve - he/she - irish coffee
* scott - he/him - espresso black maybe with a correction
* tyler - he/him - hard decision between hot chocolate and yerba mate
** re: ORCA meeting. that's in august now. not march. no rush :-P
* benny - he/him - drinking chocolate

=== Meeting Roles ===
* Facilitator/s: Jenny
* Stacktaker:
* Notetaker/s: eve, null, tyler
** URL of this pad:

== Check in on previous action items ==
Check previous meeting minutes at and past action items below:
* write script for updating home nodes to use exitnode domain names @bennlich
** didnt do this
* follow up with ideas generated in idea brainstorms @bennlich
** didnt do this
* research tower destruction costs @sethcarolina
** seth: called and got a very expensive quote to take down tower (4k). talked to andy, the guy who owns the tower, he says we'd have to talk to the home-owners association to be able to mount stuff up there. It would be about 2k to build a 60 foot tower.
** seth: if he does end up tearing it down, he'll contact us to give us the parts... TBD
** benny: call back in two weeks?
* figure out how much BYOI at west oakland public library would cost @iamai
** mai: done! It costs $15/hr for nonprofits. The problem is that saturday’s are typically booked due to regularly scheduled meetings that happen. I think it’s worth asking at other libraries. Maybe Temescal or Golden Gate branch? Or on the east side?
* order cooling paste @juul
* people's park wifi backpack @juul
* poke paxio @juul
* peoples park meeting update @lesley
** see below

== Updates & Reportbacks ==
=== Bugs/Technical ===
Priority bugs we need help with are located at: - For a high-level overview of recent Github activity, see the Trello:

=== Node Mounts & Outreach ===
Node Mounts Trello:
* Benny: Make sure to put the details of the mesh IP in the Trello
* Jenny: still waiting on intro from Tone at Berkeley Marina, will poke again tonight
* Benny: Might go back to node mounts, but would want to strategize / plan it out more
** Jenny: the Google Map has all the requests and installed nodes
* jenny: omni received a bunch of projectors--if you have ideas of how to use one up here (in the meeting room), let's do it!
*Tyler: WB6NDJ Repeater site on Grizzly Peak - future node mount?

=== Communications & Events ===
Comms Trello: // Events Trello:
* benny: I replied to a few people over email
* jenny: via Tracy last Thursday:
* mai-remote: thanks for doing that! I can totally make time to call/video chat w folks.

Sent to:,
Hi folks,
I just wanted to reach out and say that we are really trying to locate
Oaklanders who have been pushed by their landlords to use a big incumbent
ISP. Their stories will assist with getting an Internet choice law in place
in Oakland. We will protect identities if necessary.
Seems pretty likely Sudo Mesh and PON has connections to some people who
tried to be a part of the mesh network and ran into landlord problems.
It would really help us if we could quantify some of that before our next
meeting with Oakland City government on March 6.
EFF kindly made a blog and survey sheet for outreach purposes. Could you
get the word out to your memberships?

* john-mark: reminder: nothing a landlord can do to prevent somebody from setting up a dish <1m in size (according to the FCC) on their portion of the rental property (eg their balcony) link

=== Internal Logistics / Finance ===
Internal Logistics & Bureaucracy Trello:
* jenny: spent good chunk of yesterday in book-keeper role! set up new quickbooks to get lifetime discount. reconciled books from 2013 to 2018. we're good. numbers all balance. attached receipts. we're practically audit-ready, which is cool.
* jenny: sent out donor acknowledgement letters and made financial reports
* benny: what's the insurance status>
** jenny: haven't heard back yet re: what it would take to be covered for clmbing.

== Next Sunday ==
We host office hours every Sunday from 1-3pm in Sudo Room, and often arrange a rooftop node mount.
* To sign up to bottomline, fill in your name here:
** jenny will probably be there
* Ongoing node mounting spreadsheet is located at:
* Notes from this past Sunday's session: We made two antenna bases. A person named Tia came in to ask about mesh. they live in a apt on telegraph.
** null: took a solid 5 hours - want to calculate how much time it takes to DIY it vs just buying one
** jnny: might be a good group activity for a sunday afternoon, if we put instructions on a whiteboard and make sure to supply the parts

== Discussion: Project map ==
* Benny: Met w/ Pam last week to talk about maps. started working on this one:
* The goal of the map is to make it a little more obvious what our *current* projects are--where are we spending time/energy--what are we up to
* (Not everything we do is tied to a specific spatial location, but enough of it is)
* I'm wondering:
** Can you think of any important place-labels I am missing?
*** paxio, lolspace
** Where on the website should this go?
*** Homepage? (below the video?)
*** About? (I'm leaning towards About at the moment)
*** Map? (It is a map, but i dont think "Map" is what you would click if you wanted this info.)
*** Sierk: Maybe a new tab called 'Current Projects' or 'Points of Interest'
*** Lesley: Wow, this looks so cool!!! I love the watercolor look.
*** Benny: thanks! the watercolor tiles are creative commons licensed made by stamen:

== Weekly updates / Check-Ins ==
* Internet Archive link
* Paxio link
* Golden gate link
* Chuck/MJT link
** Mai-remote: Will check in w chuck again.
* Hurricane Electric
** Null: just bought a server today, $25 @ - going to put ubuntu on it and do the exit node config from github. marc has the old server's config data. once
* People's Park

** Lesley: attended meeting in People's Park. Several people live near the park but I didn't get a confirmed place--one of the organizers got my contact info (Lisa) and will ask around. Lisa's building faces the park but she isn't sure about her landlord allowing things on the roof and her window doesn't face the park.

** Lesley: Also, Null and I (and Ned and Seth) did some setting up and troubleshooting of the new MicroTIK 60 GHz equipment during office hours. We got them talking to each other! Big thanks to Null for helping too, as it wasn't a trivial process. The paper instructions are completely wrong, and I wouldn't have thought to question that. You're welcome :) -Null

== Action Items ==
* Lesley: I (or someone) should probably document the set up protocols for the 60 GHz stuff. Basically, you have to set up your own DHCP server (we used an unflashed N600) and then instead of just going to the IP they tell you to go to, look up the new IP.
* write script for updating home nodes to use exitnode domain names @bennlich
* follow up with ideas generated in idea brainstorms @bennlich
* poke tony re: berkeley marina tower @tunabananas
* handshake tokens @juul
* ping david and niki re: sunday @tunabananas
* ping toan and clark re: here/there camp as well as ashby bart FNB office @sierk
* ping marc about golden gate paxio link @bennlich
* work on a flyer/1-pager re: effects of RF waves @sierk @tunabananas
* circulate survey re: Oakland ISP choice from EFF — sudomesh mailinlist and social media @iamai
* ping LOLspace re: downed extender node @tunabananas

== Breakout Groups ==
At the end of the meeting, break out into small groups to hack on or discuss specific topics.
* look at node mount requests - mapping out 'to schedule' trello card node mounts

== Last Meeting Notes ==
* link to previous meeting minutes:
Next Meeting is New Comers meeting March 5th.

== End of Meeting ==
* please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the sudomesh wiki with the correct date format:
* then please erase the contents of this pad
* then please cut & paste a blank template from here:
* previous meeting notes are archived here:


February 25, 2019 9:27 PM, wrote:
Here is tonight's agenda for the Admin and Planning meeting happening tomorrow Tues 26 February 2019, 7:30 - 9:00 PM PT.

>> <<<

Please add your discussion item(s) where it says "== Discussion: X ==" or "== Proposal: X ==" and include any concise, relevant comments to inform the discussion. Remember to also add the topic at the top under Agenda.

If you add something, we expect you to come to the meeting to give some context and lead that discussion.

Hope to see you there!
