Hello Sudo Mesh members,

I hope this message finds you well.

You are invited to an in-person and Zoom meeting with Community Art Stabilization Trust (CAST)  and Omni Commons Collectives members on

Thursday, June 27th,
from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. 

In recent weeks, CAST have been meeting with collective delegates at Omni to explore a potential partnership. However, due to a notice of foreclosure that we received right after our first meeting, these have quickly shifted focus to finding solutions to prevent Omni from losing the building.

CAST is now prepared to meet with all Omni members, which is why this notice is being sent out to the group. Due to the meeting's confidential nature, recording will not be permitted.

Thank you in advance, and please my apologies for the short notice.

Daniel A.
ps I'm planning on being at the Sudoroom or Omni basement conference room area, where the zoom screen will be. If we haven't met, I'll be wearing an olive green hat with this logo