Hi Sudomeshers,

You may remember that I attended the SudoMesh meeting on March 20, and talked about the upcoming OpenData Hackathon at SFSU April 27-29. The minutes record:
hilary - (passes out one-laptop-per-child) OLPCs - Open Hack 2018 at SF State University last weekend in April 27-29
  • Professor Sameer Verma at SFSU - Jenny and Marc presented Sudomesh to his class on Networking several years ago
  • going to piggy back off of openhackathon -- open education part -- want to create a library for OLPCs to connect to for example. we need help with it. the OLPCs also mesh with each other even if there's no internet, but noone has been able to do it very successfully. two ways to be involved. (1) sponsor a project for someone else to work on or (2) work on a project that someone already has.
  • starts on friday night - sponsors of projects will have posterboards around the room. can see what people are being asked to do. Next morning, people form teams to work on the projects. Sunday afternoon, present the solutions. not exclusively OLPC projects, but Hilary will be there with OLPC projects for people to work on.

The website is up, and we (OLPC-SF) very much hope that SudoMesh will present one or more challenges: 

Here is the promotion piece if you would like to forward it to other groups who might be interested in participating:

Open Hack is a local event that will take place the last weekend in April.
The event will bring together students, faculty, staff, software
developers, and entrepreneurs to collaboratively create, build, and
invent new solutions using open data, content and code to solve
challenges relevant both locally and globally.

Open Hack will provide citizens an opportunity to do what is most
quintessentially American: roll up our sleeves, get involved and work
together to improve our society.

Submit a challenge. Sign up to be a volunteer. Join us!


Open Hack SF Team
Sameer Verma, Information Systems Department
Julio Feliciano, Information Technology Services

I look forward to seeing a challenge from SudoMesh!

Hilary Naylor, Ph.D.
Oakland CA