Hey mesh people,

Thanks to everyone who showed up to the first BYOI office hours on Sunday afternoon. It was great to see lots of new, excited faces.

I wanted to report back on a fun afternoon of crimping, flashing, and talking, (we didn't quite make it to mounting). There were lots of great thoughts shared about organizing node mounts, performing outreach, and communicating with node owner and operators. We laid out a spread of all the equipment needed for a mount and talked about other equipment we could use. Joanna took lots of pictures that can hopefully be compiled into a wiki or webpage. Jonathan took some notes on the conversation we had as we went through the "start-to-finish" process of mounting a node, from the "who, what where, when" to getting on the roof to the long-term maintenance of the node. I will add a link to these notes ahead of Tuesday's meeting in peoplesopen.net/notes.

I also created an collaborative spreadsheet to organize upcoming office hours,


If you are available and willing to keep office hours on a Sunday afternoon, feel free to add your name to the list. Once we schedule a node mount for a week, the point of contact should add their name to the "Point Person" field for that week so that the office hours keeper knows who to connect node mounters with. Finally, if you have a skill to share relevant to computer networking, human networking, or the People's Open project in general, please sign up to lead a skill share session.

Unfortunately, today, we didn't get to scheduling the next node mount. I hope to spend some of tomorrow contacting potential node locations. If any wants to help, I'll be at the Omni most of the evening tomorrow or contact me directly so we can coordinate outreach.

Thanks again!