Speakers and topics are TBD - hoping to discuss at Tuesday meeting and/or on this list.

One idea is to follow the last format - why / who / how - 

why do we need this (social context), 
who's doing it (ongoing projects around the world, including peoplesopen), and 
how does it work (nuts and bolts of the internet/ networking, what do you need to byoi). 

Curious to hear thoughts and whether you feel a calling to present or organize a workstation at the workshop (crimping, mounting, flashing, babeling, etc).


On Sun, 2017-06-11 at 08:23 +0200, Marc Juul wrote:
Yay! It's great!

Who's speaking about what at the event?

On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 11:07 PM, Jorrit Poelen <jhpoelen@xs4all.nl> wrote:
Hey y'all - 

Thanks to Sierk, we have a brand new flyer for Build Your Own Internet (BYOI)workshop on 1 Jul 2017 - 

and the plain text can be found here:

Please look at it, propose changes, print, remix, distribute, put up at your local bus stop, coffeeshop, library or let your cat eat it.

Just printed ~60 little flyers (2x3's) and 20 bigger ones for tomorrow's temescal fair.


PS Hoping to get motivated to setup the "social" invites also (youtwitface + eventbrite/meetup/action network). Please holler if you'd like to help with this.

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