
Based on my experience (a couple years old, but I suspect still relevant), you will find that most of the modems on their list are really hard (but not impossible) to find on the consumer market. I ended up getting an Arris modem, because I wanted to use its telephony features. I never got that set up, though I don't think there were any blockers. I was very happy with it, but it wasn't cheap. Let me know if more info could help.


On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 1:58 PM, <hol@gaskill.com> wrote:


I am slowly getting up to speed on networking and want to replace my comcast-provided cable modem ASAP, then set up a tor node and a low power server.  Wondering if y'all could recommend a good drop-in replacement from this list or beyond:


Marc showed me how to set up port forwarding last night so my 'hello world' site was up for a bit.  baby steps... also is there a relatively low power server sitting unused in inventory right now that i could borrow for a month or 2 to practice with?

cheers and many thanks,



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