Tom just said something like, we are a group that share resources and work together. I think that's reasonable :)
...and that there's a focus on resilience. Is that pervasive? (Toms question. and mine). We can figure out what that means.

For project proposals, both tom and I are rather exited about the Reverse Trike. Anthony, can you throw some more info at the list, ie. like a sort of a project proposal? Prototillers, Tom has some interesting input, see future separate mail.

We talked about group projejects (bigger ones) and more personal ones (dabble time), and it seems both Tom and I agree that OMI should be able to host both.

Make a great day,
Morten H. D. Fuglsang
US: +1 415 799 6931 // skype: FlyvendeHest

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:21 AM, Morten H. D. Fuglsang <> wrote:

Nick (lurker on this list and I believe he visited the shop some weeks ago), Corey, Anthony and I met this evening at sudoroom. Take-aways:
  • The 4 of us were (not surprisingly) very aligned around why open hardware is important, mainly that it plays an important part in shaping a more awesome world. To distill this into a form that can be communicated, I have created this Etherpad where we will co-create a mission statement and a list of our values. Add your .02$:
  • There are plenty of ideas for interesting technology that we *can* build should we choose. Let us move forward by opening up for concrete project proposals. My suggestion is that any proposal should cover both some intro to what it is, why it is important, and for who
  • A lot of nuts and bolt stuff remain to be answered. Things like, how many projects can we handle at once? How do we organize our work? Planning? Status on the shop? We will meet next Wednesday at 9PM @ sudo room with a focus on answering these and talking about how we would like to organize the shop.

Because Saturday may 4th is the big Shop Re-make Day!Remeber, no OMI this coming Saturday.

Awesome. Attached are random unstructured scribbles from todays session if you are curious to what was exchanged :)

Make a great day,