Hi everyone,
Tomorrow (and every Sat.) from 2-5PM at
Sudo Room we'll be doing "
Today We Learned," weekly, open, super chill co-learning. What is co-learning? It means that you bring something you're working on or something you want to learn more about, maybe some other folks are interested in it as well and want to collaborate, or maybe you see what someone else is working on and want to help with that.
Well what can you bring to learn about? Anything! One time when we were doing a similar event at
LOL space, someone brought a broken clock and we tried to figure out how to fix it. Many times folks work on programming stuff. Sometimes we follow rabbit trails and try to explain and understand things like "well how do computers really work."
If it's a thing to learn, we can learn it. We also have a projector set up if anyone wants to demo anything - anything - so you should feel free to bring something that you'd like to share.