...and I realize now from the content of your message that you don't have Friday off... sorry for the oversight. Hopefully, though, it fits into the lunch hour for some of those interested.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 9:47 PM Alex (Merlin) Glow <alex.glowaski@gmail.com> wrote:
Idk about tomorrow, but following up on the one at Feinstein's office yesterday, there will continue to be assemblies at Market/Post/Montgomery every Friday at noon. <3

On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 9:32 PM Cere Davis <ceremona@gmail.com> wrote:
Mkay so there’s apparently an ICE protest in SF from 8am-12p, but not then after?  It’s my only free day off (also true for most other people) and, given the symbolism, I would MUCH rather protest ICE then celbrate the 4th.  Anything going on that I am not seeing on the interwebs?  No one I have talked to at Omni seems to know about one.  I don’t give a shit about barbecue for tomorrow.  Am I the only one?!


Cere Davis

Science-Art | Kinetic Sculpture
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