post a pic next time please if you want advice on what to do with it - undifferentiated is in the eye of the beholder! +1000 on people picking up after themselves and clearing piles that go stale.  Robot area could use some elbow grease too to optimize footprint of accessories including some I've brought, and I'd love to put in a little more time on organizing the whole shop area.

Maybe we can do a little shop renewal in parallel with or a stretch goal / work afterparty once accessible bathroom is done Mar 3.  I have the whole day blocked!  Alot more fun and faster when more people are on hand to identify and sort.

On 2018-02-18 19:03, robb wrote:

mo e-waste?

On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 5:01 PM, Captain Chesapeake <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I still noticed there is a pile of undifferentiated stuff on the soldering workbench closest to the main table? Thoughts on finding a home for this stuff?

On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 11:46 AM, Captain Chesapeake <> wrote:
Hi all,

I notice a giant accumulation of "stuff" on the soldering workbench closest to main area past week. Now there is only a tiny corner to work at. It would be nice if we could keep that area open. Suggestions for clearing this area and finding a home for this?

The Cap'n

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