Sorry - false alarm.

I bid up to $200, but I still didn't exceed the reserve price for this item. So I think we'll let this one go, and hope to get a free one through Bio-Link Depot some time in the next year...


On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <> wrote:
There's a deli-style fridge up for auction right now, that would be perfect for CCL.But we would need to bid on it ASAP, and I need help from someone who can go pick it up in San Leandro later this week or next, since I will be out of town starting tomorrow.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you can help out!

I've been looking for a glass door fridge for a while now, but they don't come up that often, or are priced too expensive. This one is currently listed at $50, with only two bids and a little over two hours left on the auction: