I agree with Pete's suggestion that the more neutral the event, the more credibility it could have.

Forwarding the only message I've received about this potential event. Removing details from the message below out of respect for the campaign's confidentiality. I will forward along the email address to whoever ends up being point person contact if there is support for Sudo Room to be involved in the event.

sent from eddan.com

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Danielle Bersen"
Date: September 25, 2013, 5:40:53 PM PDT
To: Eddan Katz <eddan@eddan.com>
Subject: Bryan Parker tech Event Draft Concept

Hi Eddan,

Great speaking with you today and thank you for your participation in the Tech event. Here are the draft details for the event and I welcome your thoughts on format, venue and guest list - as well as other potential companies to include. 

Feel free to share any ideas. 



Tech Event:

Location: TBD, Oakland

Time: November 14, evening

Tech Event

Fundraising and networking event to promote the Tech Industry in Oakland, Raise Awareness of Industry and work toward making downtown a tech hub. 

Format: TBD

- Networking

- Speakers - Forum to Present ideas

- Award or competition? 

Host Committee Members

Danielle Bersen
Donor Development Director