Those who have expressed interest in a co-operative model of organizational development would be interested in Holacracy, which Janelle Orsi of the Sustainable Economies Law Center, promotes in her lectures. From today's blog post about a new Holacracy 'app':

In a typical top-down management structure, the power to hire and fire employees is generally in the hands of managers. With Holacracy at play, the game is entirely different: with the decentralization of authority, the separation of people and role, and the dynamic evolution of those roles, we end up with a situation that looks more like free agents going about their work with no central planning. There might not even be a single person who knows about everything you do. This then begs the question: who can decide how and when to hire or fire?

Holacracy doesn’t answer that question; it simply gives you a framework and processes for your company to figure it out. In other words, if Holacracy is an “operating system” for organizations, the “hire-and-fire” function is an “app” that needs to be added separately.

The Holacracy newsletter forwarded below also includes a link to the Dec. 3 workshop ($125) they'll be hosting in San Francisco.

<h1>Holacracy® News</h1>
Happy Halloween Friend!

If you follow us on social channels, you might already know that HolacracyOne just released a new "Partnership App", and it's freely available.

What do we mean by "app"? It extends the metaphor of Holacracy as an “operating system” for organizations. I like this comparison because it accurately reflects what Holacracy is, as well as what it isn't. On a computer, the operating system provides a basic framework for “apps” to function harmoniously in the same environment. Similarly, Holacracy provides a basic framework for how to decide, but it doesn't tell you what you should decide for your business. In other words, it doesn’t answer typical business questions such as “what’s our employee compensation system?”, or “how to allocate resources?”.

There are many different ways of answering these questions and Holacracy doesn’t choose one for you — that's the domain of "apps". At HolacracyOne, we've adopted a new "app" to define how our partnership functions work, and although it is still experimental, it's fleshed out enough to share it with you. Check it out in our blog post!

Olivier Compagne

A “Partnership App” For Holacracy-Powered Companies

The question was: “How can we account for the difference between partners deeply committed to the organization, and those for whom the commitment is lesser and more temporary?”
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Past Blog Posts

Integrate Perspectives

On many teams, critical perspectives are ignored or dismissed when they’re not shared by the leader or by the majority.
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Organization vs. Tribe

“It is an inappropriate use of love and care to use love and care to get something done”  —  David Allen
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Trainings on the West Coast

Oh, and do you know that Brian Robertson gives aIntro Webinar tomorrow Friday? Last minute registrations are welcome!
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