thanks yar for your last message - i feel exactly the same.

from my understanding, perry is temp-banned. as patrik d said: "To make it permanent takes a 2/3 vote. If at the end of the conflict resolution process there is no 2/3 majority to make it permanent, the temporary ban is lifted."

On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 2:01 PM, yar <> wrote:
Sudoroom's values that we agreed on way back in 2011 include "safe
space over ideology". Omni's values clearly say that we center the
perspectives and prioritize the needs of survivors of assault, and of
trans people struggling against transphobia. Our safer space policy
says that we "prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over privileged
people’s comfort."

I think the best thing our community can do right now is show support
for Ryan in this moment. I'm sad that we are getting distracted by
other things. Policy details have their place, but not if it just
multiplies the trauma of assault with the additional trauma of not
being fully and unambiguously supported by your community when it

At the risk of continuing a heated thread, I must repeat this: I don't
find Ryan's tone offensive our uncalled for. Ryan is speaking from a
place of vulnerability and immediate experience, and I would ask
others who are coming to this from a place of distance, abstraction
and polite discourse to please have more humility, compassion and
forgiveness towards a recent survivor of assault and of multiple axes
of oppression at Omni.

Just two days ago Ryan hosted an "empathetic listening circle" at
Omni. The idea was to be a place for people to open their hearts and
hear each others' raw words. Just listen. Without immediately replying
with advice, redirection, or contradiction. He hosted this because he
really needs that right now, and I believe many of us direly need it
as well.

Can we please have another round of empathetic listening right now,
with priority going to immediate survivors of assault? I believe that
is the key to continuing this conversation respectfully without
shutting it down entirely. Thank you.
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