Song is done... We're mostly meeting tomorrow for sunset prep around 5pm at 2141 Broadway...  No more early start.  

Facebook event is there...

Ping me to join it. 

See you all there,


On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Andrew <> wrote:
I'm not sure everyone knows what this is... We are making a music video for a track i'm working on. Here is the concept for the video:

"The city is dying, and the rich are getting rich.  A man drinks his coffee and gets poisoned as the city has a party in honor of his death.  This isn’t an ambush on values or the rich, it’s a story of old told in new, like a Rome is falling play involving the Dionysian Gods throwing a party at the Crane, teaching the party dance to Oakland, teaching the revolution of love through painful movements."

We need people to come and dance, hang out, and be crazy. Let us know if you are interested. we'll be shooting tomorrow all day at different locations. Let us know if you want to help out!

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 3:04 PM, rusty lindgren <> wrote:
Hey Guys,

I think I have 5 of us signed up to do the video... Let me know if you want to be part of the fun.  Should be a great time! 

We have a good concept, and it easy and a good experience. 

Let me know,

Rusty Lindgren

sudo-discuss mailing list

Andrew Lowe


Rusty Lindgren