The topic was added to the delegate agenda to include All of the recent incidents and iteractions with guests who have caused physical discomfort, and/or uneasiness, distrust, alienation, etc, etc, etc.

Shawn is included in this group, as he is one of the guests who has behaved in abusive (wide definiton, mind) ways not only toward people, but toward the commons itself.
We ought to have a communal discussion about All similar characters, interactions and concerns.

If someone would contact John Benson to ask if he would be willing to help us specifically with Shawn, that would be best.
Since his behavior doesn't seem entirely in his control, we should of course approach his case with empathy, but also that we cannot tolerate abusive behavior of any kind, as it wholly violates the goal of the commons being a place where people feel safe, respected, supported, etc.

Whichever decision is made, that concerns Shawn and/or other current and future aggrevators, I think it's only fair that all who are and have been affected by the individual/s and their behavior, ought to be present and have their concerns voiced. But perhaps both situations concurrently wouldn't hurt.

~ Korl

On Dec 18, 2014 2:27 AM, "Eske Silver" <> wrote:

Aye, aye. Slashes, bruh, slashes! Not commas!

~ Korl

On Dec 17, 2014 1:23 PM, Løng$hanks <> wrote:
As a rude, aggressive, abusive drunk squatter, I find this offensive.

On Tue, December 16, 2014 10:29 pm, Eske Silver wrote:
> I added to the agenda as a general item (dealing with
> rude/aggressive/abusive/drunk guests/squatters... etc)
> ~ Korl
> 510.689.4484
> On Dec 16, 2014 4:03 PM, "Marc Juul" <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 7:03 PM, Eske Silver <>
>> wrote:
>>> I too have had less than steller interactions, and witness similar with
>>> others, including Niki on one or more occasions.
>>> It's a shame that he does not seem to respect the space. I understsnd
>>> that he's in a bad way, and has little other options. But I feel we are in
>>> need of a sit down with him about how he might conduct himself here in a
>>> way that is at least slightly less aggravating/ alienating/ etc.
>>> That being said, I have years of experience interacting with mentally ill
>>> (decades), socially inept, and homeless people. At some point a line needs
>>> to be drawn. We are not his parents, nor are we responsible for his
>>> situation. We are not obligated to light ourselves on fire to keep someone
>>> else warm.
>>> Are a few of us free some time soon to meet up to discuss this in person?
>>> To discuss in general the handful of people who have acted in similar (and
>>> worse) ways recently, and try to find a solution.
>> Could this be a subject for tomorrow's meeting?
>> --
>> marc/juul
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