Hi everyone
Some todos we have
space todos
- clear out all things stored under the staircase (the "computer" library?). This is on request of the fire inspector. Given this is a lot of stuff, I think we should do some e-wasting. CALLI is helping us, we just need to put it in the trash room
- CCL gives a cut of profit from equipment sales to whoever does the work to post items on craigslist. If anyone is interested in doing that work in Sudo Room, speak up!
- We could cart some stuff over to the entrance hall and promote a buy nothing day with the free store https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buy_Nothing_Day. Free Store doesnt have capacity to store a lot of electronics but no problem if we bring whatever isn't taken back into sudo room or ewaste
- talk to CC about doing sewing programming out of Sudo Room for the rest of the year. If that's agreed to, then we need to make some space in Sudo Room for this
- make a Sudo Room sign and lighting for our new entrance
nonprofit forming todos
- Finalize bylaws
- Find new insurance plans
- Hire someone to do admin work
communications todo
- (re)create a discord? Right now we have a channel on the Omni slack. I see there's some open source discord alternatives but I haven't used any.