hi all,

on nov. 18th open access folks are launching an OA button that will allow people to make a public comment every time they hit a paywall. they're trying to make a big splash and are asking people to sign up to make a coordinated social media message about the issue.

here's a description and the link to sign up (from https://www.thunderclap.it/en/projects/5675-open-access-button-launch):

If someone hits a paywall in the forest, does it make a sound?

Every time you hit a paywall is an isolated moment of frustration, that is unlikely to shake the ivory tower of academic publishing. By putting these moments together using the Open Access Button, we will capture your individual moments of injustice and frustration and display them, on full view to the world. Only by making this problem impossible to ignore can we change the system.

This project was started by two students, good friends frustrated by the current system and driven to change the publishing system we will have to work with. The project was made possible by the invaluable support of developers, advocates and the open access community at large.

Our team has worked extremely hard in the past few months to develop a prototype which we’re finally ready to show to the world. At launch, the button will be able track and map every time a user hits a paywall, help them share their struggle and finally help them get access to the paper for free. Advocates can use the stories and data the button collects to push for change. Our data and code will all be available for others to use, improve on and do things we couldn’t have dreamed of.

Everyone is affected by this problem, patients, students, doctors and academics. We need your help to make this problem too obvious to ignore. Please help us. Share this thunderclap, and download the button November 18th

Find out more : http://bit.ly/1bEH7XT