On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Matthew Harbowy <hbergeronx@gmail.com> wrote:Hi Matthew,
> In the future, it might not be so wise to advertise the sale (future or
> past) of alcohol in a public forum if you haven't obtained a permit via
> http://www.abc.ca.gov/Forms/PDFSpc.html since the $1000 fine for holding an
> unlicensed event would exceed any takings you might have had.
> This is the sort of accountability your board members should be watching
> your back on, and the fact that none of your board-elect squelched or at
> least turned down the gain on this despite the fact that they would be
> personally liable for this, should be of particular concern, especially
> since you have zero liability insurance.
> Not to spoil your fun or anything, but... is sudo room a frat house or an
> adult endeavor? I realize this is the "Wild West" of Oakland, and all, and
> the getting away with it quotient is high, but really?
After reading this email I've nominated you to Sudoroom's board. Will
you accept?
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