Hey Sudoers

May 1st the choreographer/dancer teacher from the public school is having a performance at the Berkeley Museum of Art.

Anyone interested???

- She is open to lights. Rachel would you be interested in showcasing your wearable electronics? We have to wear all white.
- I would love to see Rochambeau do something creative and weird with video and music.
- Anyone interested in doing lighting?
How can sudo room people do things creatively that go outside of what is expected for such a performance? 

For me, I'm focused more on the creativity of the members of sudo room. Showcasing private companies' work if they are not members of sudo room is less appealing than showcasing the work of a sudo room person.

Note also that this is the choregorapher's perforamnce. She is doing something with sound involving tonality rubbing a big metal bowl with a finger...

