I have no idea what the price per sq-ft is. We should find that out. Also having the capital isn't really as important as having a small group who is willing to put in the time and resources when necessary to make it happen. With good enough credit it would be possible to finance the space depending on the down payment. Or even crowd source the down payment. There are a lot of options if there are people who actually want to it.

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Hol Gaskill <hol@gaskill.com> wrote:


Oct 1, 2013 10:51:46 AM, zee@zeespencer.com wrote:
Do we have an idea on what the per-sq-ft sale cost is?
>On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:50 AM, David Keenan dkeenan44@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The co-op thing sounds like a very cool idea, except for the fact that
>> neither I nor anyone I know has, to my knowledge at least, access to the
>> volume of capital that i imagine is required, so personally I'm still a bit
>> lost on how one would move forward on such an acquisition..?
>> -d
>> On Tuesday, October 1, 2013, Andrew wrote:
>>> I haven't been around all that much, but am I correct to assume that the
>>> current situation is that:
>>> 1. Sudo Room's current lease ends Jan 1st
>>> 2. George is willing to sell off part of 2141 to a group of investors?
>>> If this is so. Let's talk 2141 Co-Op. Is there anyone on this list who
>>> would be at all interested in owning part of a building in the middle of
>>> Downtown Oakland??
>>> Sudo Room or not, this is a great opportunity for a collective to turn
>>> some extremely prime real estate in to a commercial Co-Op.
>>> Just wanted to bring attention to this. Thoughts?
>>> --
>>> -------
>>> Andrew Lowe
>>> Cell: 831-332-2507
>>> http://roshambomedia.com
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Andrew Lowe
Cell: 831-332-2507