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On Thu, Sep 27, 2018, 2:49 PM Patrik D'haeseleer <> wrote:
BioPrinting is 3D printing with living cells. Think of printing a new heart or kidney for a patient needing a transplant! Or a bit more DIY-accessible: how about printing a n artificial leaf, as a proof of principle that we can make a functioning (plant) organ?

As some of you know,  I've been heavily involved in the BioPrinter project at Biocurious for the past several years. And I've been wanting to get a parallel group of the ground at CCL as well. 

I plan to give an overview of bioprinting in general,  go over what we've done in the Bioprinter group away Biocurious so far, get hands-on with the current hardware (which I've absconded from BioC for the week), and discuss plans to restart a Bioprinting group at CCL.

Lots of overlap with our existing lab robotics and plant bio groups as well... 

Hope to see you tonight! 
