thx, got carried away by my ftdi rs-485 converter's arrival. so far, i can dim rgb channels but the optima lighting 4 channel dimmer packs are a different matter.
can't wait to try the dmx laser next

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Jake <> wrote:
@jake guess it's time to dig through the resistor box...i'm worried about the 170Ω not being there though

you can use a single resistor instead (from 5V TX to 3.3V RX) but it should be bigger, like 10K if that works, but not less than 1K.

hmm, chip-power-down (CH_PD) wants 10kΩ > vcc...i didn't know that.

if you see other diagrams where CH_PD connects directly to Vcc it is probably fine.

also 10K is just a random number, anything from 1K to 100K would probably have the same effect.
