Whitney, I did sudo room's taxes last year, this is what we filed:


Tell me if you need any more info, i have access to some historical bank statements.

Make a great day,
Max Klein ‽ http://notconfusing.com/

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Whitney Lawrence <whitneyel3@gmail.com> wrote:
I am still willing to bottom line the 501c application. I have not made any progress since my august communication requesting information. My goal to have the package finalized by the end of this month is no longer reasonable because I have not made any progress since august. Without the required information I can not help. I suggest we form a small group of people that have historical working knowledge of Sudo as well as access to financial and tax documentation. After the delegates are identified we should meet to address scope and define roles. 

Regrettably, I don't have the time to join in the weekly meetings. I can however, make time for a twice a month focus meeting to address 501c documentation and progress. 

Finally, please include me in future communications on this subject by attaching me directly to the email. I will be unsubscribing from the "discuss" & "omni building" email lists because it is taking too much of my time to review. 

Thank you,
Whitney E. Lawrence III, P.E. 
510 396 5510

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