Awesome, I've never heard of The Flight Deck before. It's interesting that it's a co-working space with a 99 seat theater... sounds like a space I know with that is going to have a hacker space and a ballroom/theater ;-)

The Flight Deck people would be good people to get to know.

That's my 2c.

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Matthew Senate <> wrote:
Hey all,

See this opening festival schedule:

This week I spoke with Trevor runs the co-working space Oakstop down on 18th and Broadway. He was invited to join a panel about co-working on Tuesday June 10th for the opening festival of He mentioned the organizers wanted to get in touch with other co-working spaces in the area for that panel.

I put Trevor in touch with Anca from Tech Liminal. However, I wanted to reach out to the sudo room community since Trevor offered that he'd connect us with the organizers of this event about having a sudo room representative on the panel.

Hub Oakland is also going to be on the panel, and the panel itself seems to be advertised at an attendance fee. I presume the fee contribute to proceeds for The Flight Deck, which /is/ a non-profit.

What do ya'll think? I was offered to join the panel, but I think we could send any one of us once we're put in touch with the panel organizers and if we'd like to.

I thought it could be good to show that balance of the types of spaces that folks /do/ creative work at in Oakland, and especially downtown.

// Matt

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Andrew Lowe
Cell: 831-332-2507