I received an invitation to the Maker Carnival in Beijing, which takes place at the beginning of October. The first one 2 years ago was one of the best Maker-Faire-like events I've ever been to. And I'm bummed that I can't make it to this year's. The organizers asked me to pass this invite along to anyone who might be interested.
The text of the invite email is copied below.
The full invite, with pictures and attachments is here:
https://noisebridge.net/wiki/Maker_Carnival_Beijing_2014 BTW -- I will be leading another Hacker Trip To China (my 4th) for the first 3 weeks of November. I don't have a wiki page set up for it yet, but here is a page for a previous trip:
https://noisebridge.net/wiki/NoisebridgeChinaTrip2Every trip is different, because the group decides what to do as we go along. But we will visit manufacturers, hackerspaces, schools and universities, and we will be shown around by local geeks everywhere we go. If you are interested in joining me for this year's trip in November, please email me.
Dear Mitch Altman,
We have the honor of inviting you to the 3rd Maker Carnival held in Beijing, from the date of October 1st to October 3rd, 2014.
The Maker Carnival is one of the biggest international maker’s events in the world. In the past two years we invited thousands of makers and innovation groups to joint us. Now we are calling for your great work.
Exhibition contents: maker works, design, technology, production, innovative services or products, films, art, life pieces, and other relevant projects.
Previous reviews:
http://tech.qq.com/all/ckjnh2012.htm Previous videos:
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjg0MTY3NjUy.html Our slogan for this year is: FROM ZERO TO HERO.
The Maker Carnival this year will be held in Beijing 798 Art Zone and the whole event will take both indoor and outdoor space of 3500 square meters.
During the National Day holidays, the flow of people could hit the total number of one hundred thousand per day in 798 Art Zone.
Your attendance and participation will be highly appreciated.
Please fill out the attached application form to confirm your attendance with your work.
Best Regards,
Beijing Makerspace
Chenwei Wang
N.B : Accommodation expenses will be covered by Maker Carnival.
Please send your personal information and scanned passport photocopy with the application form to: