Dear April ,
Thanks again for
presenting at LibrePlanet
2014. The next LibrePlanet
will be held March 21-22,
2015 in Cambridge, MA, and
the call for sessions is
open now through Sunday,
November 2nd. I hope you
will submit a proposal for
a talk, panel, workshop,
or strategy session for
LibrePlanet 2015.
If you want to run
any ideas by me, or have
any questions about the
application, don't
hesitate to be in touch.
The original email with
more details is appended
below. Oh, and please pass
this along to your
networks if you feel so
inspired--we'd be
Looking forward to
your proposals,
Libby Reinish
Campaigns Manager
2015 is coming!
We're excited to announce
that next year's
conference will be held March
21-22, 2015 in
Cambridge, MA.
The Free Software
Foundation is teaming up
with the Student
Information Processing
Board at MIT once again to
bring you a conference you
won't want to miss. Our Call for
Sessions is open
now, and you can also
apply to volunteer
or exhibit
at LibrePlanet 2015.
General registration will
open in October.
You've got until
Sunday, November 2nd, 2014
at 19:59 EST (23:59 UTC)
to submit your
proposals. We can't
wait to see what you come
up with!
This year, the
theme of LibrePlanet
is "Free Software
Everywhere." We're looking
for talks that touch on
the many places and ways
that free software is used
around the world, as well
as ways to make free
software ubiquitous. Think
"everywhere" in the
broadest sense of the
word--it's not just
geography-based talks
we're after. What are some
contexts where free
software is thriving, and
some others where it needs
a push? How have you
worked to gain a
stronghold for free
software in your company
or community? And what
about free software on all
of the myriad pieces of
hardware we use, including
laptops, phones, tablets,
and even coffee makers? At
LibrePlanet 2015, we're
taking software freedom
around the world, to outer
space, and consider its
role in industry,
government, academia,
community organizing, and
personal computing.
Should I
submit a session proposal
for LibrePlanet?
Yes! We encourage
speakers of all experience
levels to submit a
proposal. LibrePlanet is a
great place for new and
seasoned speakers alike.
While LibrePlanet always
includes technical talks,
our program also
emphasizes non-technical
topics and topics that are
appropriate for newcomers.
We are especially
interested to see
proposals from people who
use free software or apply
its values for social
benefit, from academic
research to community
organizing, education to
medicine and the arts.
LibrePlanet is committed
to increasing the
participation of speakers
belonging to groups
underrepresented at free
software conferences,
including women and people
of color.
Some ideas
for sessions
Sharing a story
of how free software
has been applied for
social benefit
Tackling a
threat or organizing
challenge facing the
free software movement
Demonstrating a
new and exciting piece
of software or
development within an
existing software
Engaging youth,
the future of the free
software movement.
We're looking for
proposals for all age
groups, from young
children, to high
school age, to college
critically about
challenges and
opportunities facing
the movement, and
charting a path to
Bringing a key
part of free software
history to life
newcomers a way to
learn about free
software principles
and philosophy, and/or
giving newcomers a way
to start using free
software in their
daily lives
At LibrePlanet, we
are looking for sessions
that embrace the free
software movement's ideals
and also its language. For
example, using "free
software" is better than
using "open source".
for LibrePlanet
LibrePlanet depends
on volunteer support
during the planning
process all the way
through the event. We're
looking for volunteers who
want to help us with the
planning and preparation
work for LibrePlanet.
Learn more about
volunteering and sign up at
opportunities at
LibrePlanet is the
perfect place to spread
the word about your
organization to an
inspired and engaged
audience. We have two
kinds of promotional
opportunities for
LibrePlanet 2015: exhibit
tables and sponsorships.
Exhibit tables will be
located in a highly
visible primary
thoroughfare. Your table
and program
acknowledgement will reach
hundreds of software
developers, free software
activists, academics,
students, and computer
users. You can apply for an
exhibit table at
Exhibitors will be
accepted on a rolling
basis until the hall
fills, so apply early!
What makes LibrePlanet
so special is the amazing
contributions from our
speakers, exhibitors, and
volunteers. We can't wait
to hear your ideas!