Ryan and Jenny are excellent! We went biking and found
more places for sudo room's future decision-making!
Please add more reports (choose at least one):
(a) tweet the address and details (e.g. a phone number)
(i) You can also set up
twitter to post via text message to 40404 if you don't
have a data plan with your phone--ask me for details! ;)
(d) download a mobile app (though the new android app
crashed for me >.<)
You can also help by:
(a) Calling some of the existing listings, coordinate
by replying to this message!
(b) Offering to review old listings that might still be
(c) Trolling Craigslist and other websites with spaces
for rent / lease.
(e) Organize another bike-about to find more locations!
The crowdmap platform released a new version of their
software today, but we can use the "classic" mode likely
through 2013, with options to migrate and such before then.
I have backups just in case, and we can back more data up as
we add to it.